The Myssage teacher training course is a deep dive into the practice, methodology and language of Myssage.
As part of the training you will receive an instructional manual and a set of Myssage balls, as well as access to transcripts and videos that will guide you into mastery of the Myssage exercises.
You will learn specific vocabulary and cues in order to facilitate others in the practice. As part of the training you will also become familiar with the placement points and learn about fascia and facial junctions.
The course is designed in 10 section that can be moved through at your own pace, whether it be 10 days, 10 weeks or 10 months. You will be guided to experience myssage yourself and then begin to lead others to practice Myssage.
Upon completion of the course, you will receive a Myssage facilitator certificate and a liability waiver, a logo for fliers and a discount on the teachers set of Myssage balls to get you started. You will also become a part of the Myssage family of facilitators and have access to me anytime, to answer questions that may arise as you begin your journey.
Welcome to the Myssage family!